God’s Perspective When Life Hurts
The material for this study emerged out of Darlene’s own “dark night of the soul,” when in 2003, her severely mentally ill and developmentally disabled daughter was ravished by demonic voices, manifestations, and control that often overpowered her for the next several years. At that time, Darlene came to a crisis of faith where she wrestled with the age-old question, “If God is a God of love, how could He allow this to happen to me?”
God spoke to her emphatically during this crossroad in her life and promised that if she would just take His hand through this dark night, He would reveal Himself to her in ways she never thought possible and bring her through to the other side better able to view life and suffering through His eternal lens. So trembling, she took His hand and walked with Him through a season that at times seemed impenetrably dark. Yet it was in this dark place that the light of His Word shone brightly—becoming for her a lamp that directed her path and showed her each step to take.
Darlene is profoundly thankful she has emerged from that experience completely changed. Her circumstances haven’t changed significantly, but the way she views suffering—and life itself—has radically changed as she has come face to face with an all-loving, all-wise, and all-sovereign God. A God whose eternal plan for the ages is to use suffering to do some of His most powerful work.
He has exceeded all of her expectations in revealing Himself to her, and has done so in the midst of her deepest adversity. Only our amazing God can take our darkest night and turn it into our greatest joy and venue for growth! To God be the glory; great things He has done! Selah.
What Darlene teaches you in this Bible study are the truths He taught her from His Word as a result of her “dark night of the soul” experience mentioned above. So, no matter what season of life you are in, we hope that you will join her in the pursuit to better understand who God is and His good and sovereign purposes in allowing human suffering.
Bible Study Distinctives
- God’s Perspective When Life Hurts is a DVD-driven Bible study.
- The Bible study contains an Introduction/Testimony and 12 lessons.
- Each DVD lesson takes between 45-60 minutes to view.
- Each group will view the DVD lesson, complete the homework that week, and return the following week to discuss it.
- The homework each week is divided into five days, with two or three additional days for the 19-week study.
- Each day of homework will take approximately 30-50 minutes to complete.
- Jerry Bridges’ book Trusting God Even When Life Hurts is incorporated into the homework for the 19-week study.
Bible Study Format Options
- The study can be done in 13 weeks (spring session).*
- The study can be done in 19 weeks (fall and spring sessions, prolonged spring session, or spring/summer session).
* How do I decide which format is best for my group?
Bible Study Contents
- Introduction/Testimony (0:41)
- Lesson One: Captivated by the Greatness of God (0:47)
- Lesson Two: God’s Epic Story (0:53)
- Lesson Three: Suffering Defined (0:48)
- Lesson Four: Fixing a Faulty Foundation (0:57)
- Lesson Five: Is it God’s Will to Heal Everyone? (1:02)
- Lesson Six: God’s Sovereignty as it Relates to Suffering (0:55)
- Lesson Seven: God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Free Will (0:58)
- Lesson Eight: God’s Wisdom as it Relates to Suffering (0:57)
- Lesson Nine: God’s Love as it Relates to Suffering (1:03)
- Lesson Ten: God’s Sovereignty as it Relates to Who We Are (1:04)
- Lesson Eleven: When Grief Knocks on Your Door (1:02)
- Lesson Twelve: How to Maintain Hope in the Midst of Suffering (1:00)